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Weight Loss Health PanelThe Weight Loss Health Panel is a comprehensive set of tests designed to help monitor key health markers that can impact your weight management and overall wellness. This panel focuses on evaluating your metabolism, thyroid function, blood health, and essential nutrient level..
Essential Health Screening BundleThe Essential Health Screening Bundle is designed to give you a comprehensive overview of your overall health, focusing on vital areas such as blood health, organ function, and cardiovascular health. This bundle includes:CBC with Differential: A Complete Blood Count ..
Complete Wellness Screening BundleThe Complete Wellness Screening Bundle is designed to give you a thorough assessment of your overall health, with a focus on vital functions such as blood health, metabolic function, heart health, and long-term blood sugar control. This bundle includes:CBC with Diff..
Comprehensive Health Assessment BundleThe Comprehensive Health Assessment Bundle offers a detailed evaluation of your overall health, focusing on blood health, metabolic function, cardiovascular wellness, long-term blood sugar control, and thyroid health. This bundle includes:CBC with Differential: ..
Advanced Wellness Screening BundleThe Advanced Wellness Screening Bundle provides an in-depth assessment of your overall health, covering critical areas such as blood health, metabolic function, heart health, blood sugar control, thyroid function, kidney health, and iron levels. This comprehensive b..
Ultimate Health Check BundleThe Ultimate Health Check Bundle offers a comprehensive evaluation of your overall health, covering critical markers for blood health, metabolic function, cardiovascular health, blood sugar control, thyroid health, kidney function, iron levels, and vitamin D status. This ..
Men’s Complete Health Screening BundleThe Men’s Complete Health Screening Bundle provides a comprehensive assessment of key health markers for men, focusing on blood health, metabolic function, cardiovascular health, blood sugar control, prostate health, and hormone levels. This bundle includes:CBC ..
Men’s Elite Health PanelThe Men’s Elite Health Panel is a comprehensive bundle of tests designed to provide an in-depth evaluation of overall health, with a focus on critical markers for blood health, metabolic function, cardiovascular wellness, prostate health, hormone levels, and inflammation. Thi..
Comprehensive Female Hormonal Health PanelThe Comprehensive Female Hormonal Health Panel offers a detailed evaluation of key health markers, focusing on blood health, metabolic function, cardiovascular wellness, and an in-depth assessment of female hormonal balance. This panel is ideal for women loo..
Advanced Female Health and Hormonal PanelThe Advanced Female Health and Hormonal Panel is a thorough assessment designed to evaluate key health markers and provide a complete picture of hormonal balance and overall wellness in women. This panel is ideal for those looking to monitor their metabolic h..
ABO GRP AND RH TYPE; Type and Group, Blood TypePossible ABO blood groups include O, A, B, or AB. The Rh antigen is another compound that may or may not be present on the surface of red blood cells. The Rh test determines whether this configuration is present ("Rh-positive") or absent ("Rh-negative")..
Corticotropin,Adrenocorticotropic Hormone; ACTHAdrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is a hormone that stimulates the production of cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid hormone made by the adrenal glands that is important for regulating glucose, protein, and lipid metabolism, suppressing the immune system’s..
Showing 145 to 156 of 222 (19 Pages)